Friday, April 14, 2006

Numero Dos for the Misinformed

Baby... I miss youI did some thinking today. . .

Yes, I thought about quite a few things in general and *one* in particular, but that's a whole different story. The thing is that when your girlfriend asks you whether you're going to ______ before or after going to the gym, and you two guys engage in a detailed analyzes of the pros and cons of doing it before or after a visit to the gym, you know that you've really hit a big prize in the lottery of relationships.

But not a big prize as in a so fucking BIG that needs two airplane seats to fit her rear; but more along the lines of a big prize that comes with a 24-inch waist and beautiful blue eyes.

In any case and in a whole different matter, after I hung up talking to her I thought about two of her friends that I'd previously met. I didn't think about K, her high school friend that lives in CLT, but about "Holly" and her blonde haired girl friend "D" [her name is actually Dolores, but most people call her either Dolly, or Lolita, like the book: Light of my life, fire of my loins, my sin, my soul. . . Lolita]. Pretty cool gals, I have to admit.

Ok but whatever; actually I thought about Holly and Dolores, and also about mi noviecita linda, and I end up taking a long afternoon nap after that. What a lazy bastard I am. My plans of heading to Panera, or going to the gym, or maybe stopping at B&N for a while, they all went to the trash can.

But unlike my plans that end up in the trash can, ______ end up being flushed down the toilet.


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