Sunday, March 05, 2006

What's Planning Good For?

There's nothing more annoying than having your Sunday planned down to the minute with a whole variety of little plans and catch ups that you HAVE to do, just to have an unexpected visit that instead of the quick stop-by that you were expecting ends up staying for THREE fucking hours!

I was planning in going to the gym, hitting the bookstore to catch up with some reading of magazines and perhaps my book that has been collecting dust for weeks now, wash my car, do some grocery shopping and maybe some quality cooking for the next week, doing some cleaning/laundry/folding/unpacking of my suitcase, and so on and so forth. But now all those plans went to the trash can.

My friend Alexandra called as I was ready to go to the gym, and even though I didn't pick up the first time, she called back right away, therefore I had to pick up thinking it was some sort of emergency. I enjoy talking to her, but I have to mentally prepare myself to stay on the line for at least 45 minutes listening to her stories. Yeah, eventually she will listen to what is going on my life, but that will be maybe 3% of the whole length of the conversation, so I don't always answer when she calls.

Today she wanted to give me the invitation to her wedding, and to make a long story short she end up staying for almost three hours. She was waiting for her fiancé's phone call, who was coming back from Philly, so that she could pick him up at the airport. As lucky as I am, the airplane was late and she decided to camp out in my place! Why is it that some people just can't read body language? Not that you have to go down to every dot and accent of such form of communication, but just getting the main idea is enough. And I showed her [and told her!] about my plans for today but you just wouldn't believe how many details there are in a wedding. And no shit that she didn't leave out any of them for me this morning!

After she finally left I was fuming seeing all my plans at the bottom of the trash can, but a text message sent from an undisclosed location informing me that "It's snowing!" brought a smile to my face and all that bad mode disappeared.

Life is full of choices and priorities, and the phone call that followed that message and specially the person on the other end of the line was more important than the degree of doneness of the chicken and pasta I was starting to cook at that time.

Wich is a good thing, because I like when the pasta is soft as jell-o and the chicken very well done: almost "burned".

A little bit tough... but I'm a tough man!


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