Monday, March 13, 2006

Half Full or Half Empty?

The heavier the glass, the more difficult it is to determine how much liquid is still left in it.

I'm not using my regular glass but an acrylic red cup with my company's logo in it -which comes with a lit. It was given to me [and everybody else and their mother] few months ago, and this is the first time that it sees the daylight. I don't like it because everything you drink looks red: red water, red ice tea, red coffee, red Coke, red beer, red milk; even the wall behind it looks red.

Let poor Ulysses get laid for fuck's sake!
Everything in life is practice and adaptation. If I use it every day, for sure that I could learn to tell how half full [or half empty] it is. And therefore I won't have to gulp down that incredible huge amount of whole milk I just had, thinking that the liquid was almost gone.

And this brings me to the question of whether the glass is "half full" or "half empty". I've always thought that you have to say that it's "half full" in order to give the impression that you're an optimistic. If on the other hand you say that it's "half empty" is because you're gloomy, hopeless or pessimistic. Like if there's really a lot of things to be optimistic about life in general. . .

I've always thought that it depends the direction where the liquid is going: if you're drinking it, then that stuff is half way empty because is heading towards being completely consumed; if you're filling it up, then is half way full because eventually it's gona be full. It's just some very simple math: first is full; you drink and it becomes half empty, drink some more and it looks like three/quarters empty; take another drink and is almost empty; and take the last drink, the one that makes you fall from the barstool and that shit is completely empty -and if it was a glass made of glass, it may even be shattered on the floor right besides your drunk ass.

And if you go back in time a couple of hours, right at the time when you walk into the bar with your clean and pressed shirt, your best James Bond look, and your throat completely dry and your stomach empty -maybe it could have some remnants of that cheese burger you had earlier during the day, but still empty. And once you start drinking, then your stomach becomes half way full and your bladder too. Even before your stomach gets completely full, your bladder had been filled and emptied several times, and if you're drunk enough, then you may come back from the bathroom with the bladder half empty, after really missing the target, and the other half had been emptied on your jeans.

Tonight I'm not half awake, but more along the lines of half-asleep: after sixteen hours being awake, I feel like Ulysses when he was being bewitched by the mermaids songs. . . but unlike him who tied himself to the mast of his boat in order to resist them, I ain't fricking tying myself to my laptop. I better go to bed to see if my *little mermaid* shows up in my dreams again -hopefully alone this time! ;-)


Blogger la flaquita kindly said...

did you spill a full glass of milk on you yesterday, thinking that there wasn't much in the glass but it was really full (or 1/8 empty depending on how you look at it)?

i agree; the glass is half empty if that's the point; your stomach is half full if you want to alleviate your hunger by filling it. it all depends on two arbitrarily assigned values (or one, again, depending): good and bad. or desired and not desired. positive and negative. the glass is half full if filling it is the desired result; half empty if emtying it is the desired result.

Mon Mar 13, 10:55:00 PM EST  
Blogger Jean-Francois kindly said...

I took a very long sip... and almost chock myself!

And either way, for me the glass is half empty bc the purpose of a glass is to drink from it. The glass is always the last container that a liquid is transfered to. And these days the water inside the glass is like the wonderful cold weather we had not long ago... and the heat is the emptiness, that will eventually end up taking it all. :-/

Tue Mar 14, 10:16:00 PM EST  
Blogger la flaquita kindly said...

it's actually the other way around - the cold takes in the heat so what you end up with is actually still a full glass but of lukewarm (ie, room temperature, aka, tepid) water.

Wed Mar 15, 09:56:00 PM EST  
Blogger Jean-Francois kindly said...

Do u know what I really have in my mind tonight...? yes, u know, I'm thinking about *d-deepwood* of course. But more than that, what I'm thinking is that this Friday the glass is gona be completely full!!!!!!

Wed Mar 15, 11:17:00 PM EST  

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