Thursday, February 23, 2006

La Valise

Why do I have to leave everything for the last minute? I just finish doing laundry and the dryer is working overtime to get my stuff ready. And I still have to go and pick up the suitcase I'm gona use! But kudos to my little brain for remembering to pick up my my jacket from the dry cleaning this afternoon [at least my *college friend* may noticed that I have a clean jacket. . .].

Then I have to pack, some dinner and perhaps a beer because I know it'll be difficult to get much sleep tonight. Do you remembering when you were a kid and the day before a trip you couldn't sleep thinking about it? I feel kind of that way tonight.

But before I dip my pen in the ink of thoughts crossing my mind tonight, better write an e-mail and go get the suitcase. First things first.

PS. And I have to remember to tell José-Luis that he should get professional HELP with all that re-reading of e-mails that he's been doing this week too.


Blogger la flaquita kindly said...

kind of like xmas eve, right? at least the hyper commercialized version celebrated in this country...

Thu Feb 23, 11:41:00 PM EST  

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