Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Joys of Training

All this week and the next one, I'll be in "training". When I was first notified, of course that I got exited: Two full weeks away from my cubicle corner office and not having to yell at people on the phone and being yell at, sounded pretty cool. Also there's always nice to be part of whatever training, not just to break with the routine but also to actually learn new shit. Theoretically this was gona be a cool and easy week.

And to my left, that's a S-C-R-E-E-N. Understand?
Theoretically. . . because even though our "trainer" told us that there's no such thing as an stupid question, the truth of the matter is that there's such thing as stupid questions. And also idiot questions, and fucking retarded questions, and "you must be fucking kidding me" type of questions; and questions that not even a twisted mind could come up with. I either have been living all my live in a white bread plain vanilla neighborhood and what is out there is a Brave New World or the people in my training class are the missing links in human evolution! [aka monkeys].

So after a loooong day having to put up with a thousand questions and very little progress, I decided to clear my thoughts by getting a badly needed haircut. And with [much] less hair on my head, thoughts began to flow more easily. . . realizing that there's an untapped whole industry on this planet; a business that will change the face of earth even more than what the internet has done for the last fifteen years or so; a business opportunity so huge and so profitable that the first trillionaire will certainly emerge on the shoulders of that business opportunity.

[drum roll please]

A product that will cure male hair loss!

A product that one will either take in a pill, or will have to be injected or rubbed, or snored, or perhaps in the form of eye drops or however its inventor wants to offer it, and that will stop and further reverse the so-called baldness. I'll give my right nut for that! -ok, not that much, but if is priced in US$$ I'll pawn myself to put my hands on it. This last haircut revealed that even though my chest is being populated with a ton of very healthy hair, my head is rapidly becoming like the Sahara dessert: populated by few weak palm trees scattered here and there.


Blogger la flaquita kindly said...

i think the number one cure for hair loss is acceptance and dealing with it well - ie, which man looks better, the one with the combover or the one who has accepted the fact and cuts his hair short.

anyway i think women (at least me) are much nicer than men in this respect: we don't judge you by how much you do (or don't) have. at least hair-wise. HA!

and i know what you mean about working with species other than human. we're trying to work with a rock right now, and she just can't separate herself from "what we were told to do" and "the point" (which you don't need to follow exactly what they tell you in order to get it).

so frustrated - i had to take a break.

Fri Feb 17, 01:15:00 PM EST  
Blogger Jean-Francois kindly said...

HA! That was a good one.
I agree w/u, and perfectly understand your point: what matters is what is inside and the more you try to cover it the more evident it becomes. Yeah, the theory is crystal clear to me too… but back in the real world, why the hair on the chest don’t fall off before the hair on the head? And for that matter I could care less if the hair in my nuts disappears one day… but why in the F world men have to end up bald?!!!

And for that matter: why girls don’t go bald? Hmmm a mystery afoot right there; I shall conduct an informal research on the subject matter maybe.

And TGIF bc I feel like if I'd been in a cage w/monkeys all this week!

Fri Feb 17, 10:45:00 PM EST  
Blogger la flaquita kindly said...

i think it might have something to do with estrogen (the fact that women have a lot more than men do)

besides hair on your head isn't going to keep anywone warm on a freeeezing night!

Fri Feb 17, 10:55:00 PM EST  
Blogger Jean-Francois kindly said...

Hmmm hadn't thought about that one but it makes a lot of sense...

Sat Feb 18, 10:19:00 AM EST  

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