Friday, January 20, 2006

On Meetings and Monkeys

I was talking to RM, one of my co-workers in a side room when AC walked in. She looked at us and asked if we thought that she'd gained weight lately. Just like that, no introduction, no preamble, no nothing; she just wanted to know if we thought she'd gained weight lately. My instant reply to her was "I think you look fine". (AC will turn forty this year and has had four children, being the youngest around two years old and the oldest seventeen. So for a woman with that background, she looks fine.)

I asked why she was asking such question, knowing that she's very concern about her figure, and knowing very well that if I could keep saying that she looks fine, she would end up feeling fine. I just thought that was one of those days for her and that she was just feeling down. Even though I understood her words when she answered my question, I really didn't get it and had to ask her to repeat it again.

Our boss had asked her to attend a meeting earlier today, but throw the following comment on her lap as she was about to enter the little meeting room: "I should've asked Jean-Francois to attend this meeting, because he's Mr. Skinny".

Are you maybe thinking WTF? Well, WTF was what I thought. If it was a joke I didn't get it; if it was some sort of sarcasm, I was definitely too slow to catch it; and if it was something I should've known, I certainly didn't know it. She left the side room where RM and I were talking and we both just looked to each other like WTF. Yeah, RM didn't understand that comment either.

Right after that I went to collect a document and came back five minutes later to follow on my conversation with RM. Before entering the side room I stopped by the small conference room where AC was at and took a look inside. The place was packed beyond imagination; that little conference room that could sit a handful of people had perhaps three times that amount. I would even venture to say that Oxygen wise that thing wasn't healthy at all. I even noticed someone hanging from the lamp [and swinging] because I do work with and for monkeys after all!

For a moment I considered that my boss had thought that I was the most prepared hommo sapiens among the bunch to sit in that meeting; I thought that maybe he said that as a way to say that I could do a good job while joining all that people in the little meeting room. But I seriously never thought that my thin and athletic figure was gona attract his attention under the rationalization that I would be able to squeeze and sit my ass easier among that maze of people than any of my other [wide ass] co-workers.

It was a joke of course, but that joke was told in front of the only one he should've not told it. If you're gona use the word "weight" with a girl it should be only to say something on the lines of "have you lost weight?", which for a girl it means "you look nice". (I actually know of one girl who might like it if that word is used in the other direction. Hmm, maybe I should try that approach with her.) Sometimes I really wonder at what point in time the monkeys started running the zoo located on my floor. I'm fully aware that I'm doing over time there, not that I'm working over time, but as my time is over at that zoo, I've just been working over time. Like in fĂștbol: when the time is over, you go into over time.

But I'm a man with a plan, and the sun of my time there may be setting. Or maybe it set long ago and what follows this long night is dawn. The next weeks will tell how right I am.

But keep it in mind: I'm a man with a plant.

Yeah, a man with a plant


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