The Law of the Land
In the land of a-church-in-every-corner, it's against the law to sell alcohol before noon on Sundays. Even to buy a bottle of wine or a six pack in order to drink it later that day is against the law.
But if you pop up an ice cold one and drink it right before putting your best suit on and heading for the House of God to hear all the ways that lead you to hell, you ain't breaking no law whatsoever. Unless you get more than two drinks and the alcohol level on your blood surpasses that laughable minimum level that the local laws have established, you shouldn't worry about anything.
Surprisingly enough it is against the law to run a red light in NC, but you'd never do time and wouldn't even get a slap on your hand if you don't know that green means go. [note to self: buy new honk for car. Last honk went belly up due to too much use warning people that green=go].
Got a phone call while driving? Want to call someone while heading home? Not a problema, pick it up or dial up and talk on, it isn't against the law to use your cell phone while driving. Smoking inside bars, clubs and restaurants? Hell yeah! Smok'em all! Here the law even encourages you to light a cancer stick and spread the misery as far as the smoke can fly. Rock on.
So why is it then, that there's not a single word about the health hazards of letting people work on a Saturday? Why isn't there, right below the no-alcohol-on-Sundays law, a paragraph stating that all office buildings should be lock down during weekends and not a single person be allowed to get in, God forbid doing some work. Shouldn't there be a law punishing employers who abused and torture -specially foreign- workers making them work on Saturdays?
I should run for office, man. I should. And change all those laws.
In the meantime I better run to my office building because I'm already late, very late, for some important meeting that of course is not as important as some precious hours of sleep.
But if you pop up an ice cold one and drink it right before putting your best suit on and heading for the House of God to hear all the ways that lead you to hell, you ain't breaking no law whatsoever. Unless you get more than two drinks and the alcohol level on your blood surpasses that laughable minimum level that the local laws have established, you shouldn't worry about anything.
Surprisingly enough it is against the law to run a red light in NC, but you'd never do time and wouldn't even get a slap on your hand if you don't know that green means go. [note to self: buy new honk for car. Last honk went belly up due to too much use warning people that green=go].
Got a phone call while driving? Want to call someone while heading home? Not a problema, pick it up or dial up and talk on, it isn't against the law to use your cell phone while driving. Smoking inside bars, clubs and restaurants? Hell yeah! Smok'em all! Here the law even encourages you to light a cancer stick and spread the misery as far as the smoke can fly. Rock on.
So why is it then, that there's not a single word about the health hazards of letting people work on a Saturday? Why isn't there, right below the no-alcohol-on-Sundays law, a paragraph stating that all office buildings should be lock down during weekends and not a single person be allowed to get in, God forbid doing some work. Shouldn't there be a law punishing employers who abused and torture -specially foreign- workers making them work on Saturdays?
I should run for office, man. I should. And change all those laws.
In the meantime I better run to my office building because I'm already late, very late, for some important meeting that of course is not as important as some precious hours of sleep.
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