Thursday, October 20, 2005

Conference Call

Holy crap! I forgot to do something that I should've done today! But now is waaaaaay too late and besides I've already emptied my first two Heineken of the night, which me4ans that I'm legally trashed to jump in my car and drive to certain place, and do that thing that I should've done instead of doing other things that I did. But whatever was done, well, is done, so tomorrow I'll take care of it. [hopefully my company's stock would not plunge earthwards due to *ugh* me].

Anyway, today was a very productive day over at the headquarters of the Stranger in Strange Land building in downtown Charlotte. I finally manage to make a 5-way conference call and not hang up on anyone while trying it. Subject of such important conference call: Halloween!!!!!

Which reminds me that I better move my ass to the costume place to find me one. I've been dressing as a Wealthy Catholic Nun for the last two years and it would be nice to get me a new one. Besides there was just too much stuff going on last year and some property damage involved for people to recognize not just my costume, but my reckless behavior again and brought some accounts receivable for me to settle.


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