Tuesday, September 27, 2005

On Augusten Burroughs

It depends what your definition of magic isI asked a cute girl that I "met" not long ago to recommend me a good book to read in my free time; she came up with a couple of authors and a handful of their titles. And that's how I end up with Magical Thinking sitting on my night table.

Now that I'm done with it, I'm planning to write her a little note thanking her -you know, Good Manners 101- but I'm struggling what to say in that e-mail.

Plainly speaking I didn't like that book. It features some unconnected stories about AB's life, some of his thoughts on this and that, and nothing else. Is like if he had a blog and putted together his favorite posts, sent them to his agent and voila a new book.

Now if I put myself in my friend's shoes, I wouldn't appreciate someone coming to me and saying that my literary recommendations suck; fuck no, you can keep your literary thoughts for your shallow self. And by the same token I don't want to bullshit her praising such a shitty book. It has to be something in between. Hmmmmm I guess I'll have to do some thinking here.

I guess I'm just going to say that I still don't know what to think about AB's work, so that once I finish reading "CRY" and "Running with a Machete" I'll figure out what's all the fuzz and all the NYT bestseller shit that is printed all over his books about; and who knows, maybe he's a good author after all. Even more so, she just send me an e-mail about some other stuff, so for sure I could squeeze a line or two about AB in my reply and end of the story.

Hopefully she's very busy these days with her new job or perhaps is busy shopping for colorful underwear with (or is it without?) seams up the middle at VS and would not give much thought to my message. We'll see.

Oh by the way, my dear Jennifer, please don't read this post. cheers!


Blogger la flaquita kindly said...

aaah, too late!

no me ofendo para nada porque te avisé que eran cuentos de su vida! no te dije que dry era lo mejor? bue hubieses leído dry primero, ya que te hiciste una mala impresión de su escritura será difícil de recuperarla. para mi MT no era su mejor pero ya había conocido su manera de escribir asique era perdonable.

igual me pediste algo que era medio ligero, no?

pero la diferencia entre tu email y este post me sorprende!

anyway, a mí me lo había recomendado una amiga así que es culpa de ella y no de mí!

Wed Sep 28, 06:31:00 PM EDT  
Blogger la flaquita kindly said...

oh, and definitely WITHOUT those goddamm seams!

Wed Sep 28, 06:33:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Jean-Francois kindly said...

Primero escribi este post y despues cuando estaba escribiendote el email, me pico el zancudo del sarcasmo...
Igual mi intencion era que leyeras los dos, el post y el email, y que te dieras cuenta de mi "struggle" en que decirte.

Ademas tienes razon, te pedi algo ligero y efectivamente lo fue; y sobre todo lo que mas me gusto es que era NON-FICTION!


Wed Sep 28, 10:01:00 PM EDT  
Blogger la flaquita kindly said...

haha - good answer!
hablando de literatura, etc...

conoces algun poeta/escritor latino que escriba también poemas o cuentos para niños? a mis alumnos les encantan los poemas y tengo a dos o tres que no hablan mucho inglés... y no me gusta usar traducciones porque siempre se pierde algo.

Wed Sep 28, 11:56:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Jean-Francois kindly said...

El mas famoso escritor/poeta de ninos en COL es Rafael Pombo. Tiene varios poemas muy lindos (La pobre viejecita, El renacuajo paseador, El nino y la mariposa), quiza su vocabulario es un poco 'rebuscado' para un nino pero son muy buenos.

Yo creci con los cuentos de los Hermanos Grim, Fontainnebleu, etc. (Rapunzel era mi favorite) y en cualquier idioma son excelentes.

Ojala te sientas mejor manana -pues es viernes!


Thu Sep 29, 10:43:00 PM EDT  

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