Makes my [A+] Blood Boil
The nastiest shit out there is cigarettes. I still can't believe that there's people out there with more than one brain cell between their ears that will choose to put a cigarette between their lips. That is one thing that should be deleted from this planet, completely erased from nature and from our brains.
If I had the power, like the real power to do and undo shit I'd completely forbid cigarettes. Actually, and giving it a second thought, I wouldn't; I'd just penalize it with the death penalty by slow suffocation and in a public arena. Anyway that's the way all smokers end up, dying little by little, trying to steal the little oxygen that their tired and abused lungs can get out of the air. If you're lucky enough you'll be sleeping or walking around with a nice bottle of oxygen to help you extended your misery more years.

My late grandfather died of emphysema, as well as three of his five bothers. My uncle was a chain smoker and he was lucky because cancer took him before the emphysema could. [Actually was the dead of my cousin at the early age of 22 that tear him apart, but that's another story.] Both my parents smoked for many years and my two sisters smoke today. I did smoke for many years as well, and up till today I still can't believe that I did it. What a fucking idiot. I started when I was twelve and quitted around 24 or 25 after trying to quite for years and being unable to get that fucking addiction out of my system.
It was only until I was in living in China and that I got sick, I mean, sick with an awful throat infection that kept me out of my work and school for a week and set me back quite a few hundred dollars that I realized it had been enough. When I told the doctor that took care of me that I was a smoker, he just laughed at me the same way a police officer would laugh to a run away child. He prescribed me some antibiotics, to drink lots of hot water and he didn't advice me to quite that nasty habit, he prescribed it. At that time I had an awesome, beautiful and super-cool girlfriend, and I swap my nicotine addiction for sex. She could've not been happier. We were young, wild, restless, in love and she did helped me swap one addiction for other. [This, again, is another story].
In South America everybody smokes all the time and everywhere, and in Europe, well, that's almost worst. When I was in high school some of my teachers would smoke in class (eww) and when I was in college we even had cigarettes with professor in some of our oral final examinations. I thought it was so cool back then, but I just can't believe I was that stupid. The best decision I've ever made in my life was to quit smoking, and the worst of course was to start with that shit.

There's just not a single good thing out of a cigarette: you waste your money and your health, end up smelling like shit, have to wash your clothes constantly to get ride of that smell and even your house smells like crap; food doesn't taste the same, you burn baby burn tee shirts, shirts, carpets and every possible thing that can caught fire. And for what?! Fucking nothing. For me the reward was being cool. I still can't believe I was soooooo fucking stoopid my friends!
Now that I don't smoke and that I know how the dark side looks like I feel both sorry and mad with smokers. And the shit is that the smoke coming out of those cancer sticks invades everything and everywhere, even the outdoors. Today seating outside in a coffee shop reading my book and chilling, the couple three tables down from me where smoking two types of cigarettes: regular nasty ones, and other brand that smelled like a pipe. And all the smoke was coming my way, how fucked up is that, ah? Not to mention bars and clubs; North Carolina of course lags behind the nation in regulating that business and several attempts to ban smoking inside bars and clubs have fallen miserable. Here we certainly deserve the fucking people we elect.
Oh man tobacco just pushes the right buttons in me and I've avoided writing a post about it because that shit just makes my blood boil. I could go on, and actually I should go on, trashing all tobacco related stuff but really, do I need to say anything else? I avoid girls that smoke, hell I do. You just don't know how horrible it is to kiss someone that smokes, you either kiss the cigarette or kiss me, not both. It feels and states like sticking your tongue in an ashtray and no, a cigarette after making love doesn't taste better, that still smells, feels and tastes like shit. Arrrrggh!
If I had the power, like the real power to do and undo shit I'd completely forbid cigarettes. Actually, and giving it a second thought, I wouldn't; I'd just penalize it with the death penalty by slow suffocation and in a public arena. Anyway that's the way all smokers end up, dying little by little, trying to steal the little oxygen that their tired and abused lungs can get out of the air. If you're lucky enough you'll be sleeping or walking around with a nice bottle of oxygen to help you extended your misery more years.

My late grandfather died of emphysema, as well as three of his five bothers. My uncle was a chain smoker and he was lucky because cancer took him before the emphysema could. [Actually was the dead of my cousin at the early age of 22 that tear him apart, but that's another story.] Both my parents smoked for many years and my two sisters smoke today. I did smoke for many years as well, and up till today I still can't believe that I did it. What a fucking idiot. I started when I was twelve and quitted around 24 or 25 after trying to quite for years and being unable to get that fucking addiction out of my system.
It was only until I was in living in China and that I got sick, I mean, sick with an awful throat infection that kept me out of my work and school for a week and set me back quite a few hundred dollars that I realized it had been enough. When I told the doctor that took care of me that I was a smoker, he just laughed at me the same way a police officer would laugh to a run away child. He prescribed me some antibiotics, to drink lots of hot water and he didn't advice me to quite that nasty habit, he prescribed it. At that time I had an awesome, beautiful and super-cool girlfriend, and I swap my nicotine addiction for sex. She could've not been happier. We were young, wild, restless, in love and she did helped me swap one addiction for other. [This, again, is another story].
In South America everybody smokes all the time and everywhere, and in Europe, well, that's almost worst. When I was in high school some of my teachers would smoke in class (eww) and when I was in college we even had cigarettes with professor in some of our oral final examinations. I thought it was so cool back then, but I just can't believe I was that stupid. The best decision I've ever made in my life was to quit smoking, and the worst of course was to start with that shit.

There's just not a single good thing out of a cigarette: you waste your money and your health, end up smelling like shit, have to wash your clothes constantly to get ride of that smell and even your house smells like crap; food doesn't taste the same, you burn baby burn tee shirts, shirts, carpets and every possible thing that can caught fire. And for what?! Fucking nothing. For me the reward was being cool. I still can't believe I was soooooo fucking stoopid my friends!
Now that I don't smoke and that I know how the dark side looks like I feel both sorry and mad with smokers. And the shit is that the smoke coming out of those cancer sticks invades everything and everywhere, even the outdoors. Today seating outside in a coffee shop reading my book and chilling, the couple three tables down from me where smoking two types of cigarettes: regular nasty ones, and other brand that smelled like a pipe. And all the smoke was coming my way, how fucked up is that, ah? Not to mention bars and clubs; North Carolina of course lags behind the nation in regulating that business and several attempts to ban smoking inside bars and clubs have fallen miserable. Here we certainly deserve the fucking people we elect.
Oh man tobacco just pushes the right buttons in me and I've avoided writing a post about it because that shit just makes my blood boil. I could go on, and actually I should go on, trashing all tobacco related stuff but really, do I need to say anything else? I avoid girls that smoke, hell I do. You just don't know how horrible it is to kiss someone that smokes, you either kiss the cigarette or kiss me, not both. It feels and states like sticking your tongue in an ashtray and no, a cigarette after making love doesn't taste better, that still smells, feels and tastes like shit. Arrrrggh!
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