A List
- I like to take pictures
- but im not a good photographer
- i take pictures when i feel like taking them
- and when i have my camera w/me
- i have three cameras
- two film cameras
- one digital
- the digital is the one i use the most
- the other two i hardly use them
- actually i dont use them
- at all
- one is a Minolta
- point and shot Minolta
- i bought it in china
- for a hell of a lot of money
- i love it
- it had captured the best momentos in my life
- so far
- i also have a Minolta SLR
- it has interchangeable lenses
- but i only have one lens
- the one that came w/the camera
- it was an impulsive purchase
- i couldn't contain myself
- i sat on my hands
- but ordered it online
- tipping w/my nose
- i was the happiest man when i got it
- the next weekend i went talking pictures
- and then the next one again
- when i developed the pictures
- i was disappointed
- i realized that im not a good photographer
- im a lover
- and a great kisser
- a great French kisser
- not a photographer
- one day i saw a digital camera
- and i knew that i was going to buy me one
- i did a research
- different prices and models
- locations and pixels
- brands and support
- warranties
- lenses
- reviews
- and five minutes into my research
- i got me a cannon s410
- i was very exited when i got it
- and i went on a shooting spree
- up til today
- my other two cameras
- are collecting dust
- untouched
- since many months ago
- actually thats not true
- i use the slr
- the Minolta slr w/interchangeable lenses
- slr stands for Single Lens Reflex
- i didnt know if you know what an slr was
- now you know
- so i also use the slr
- i hang it from my neck
- and walk around
- with my digital camera in one hand
- taking digital pictures
- the slr camera
- is only to pretend that im a good photographer
- some people care about it
- some others dont give a shit
- some dont know what im talking about
- i told a friend about the slr hanging from my neck
- and the digital camera in my hand
- she said that i was a snob
- havent seen her ever since
- told other friend about my digital camera
- she said that digital cameras is cheating
- taking pictures w/digital cameras is cheating
- she works in a picture place
- she takes pictures of babies
- spoiled babies
- and little brats that dont like to smile
- she says that she's a photographer
- because she takes pictures of babies
- and because she owns like 20 cameras
- all film cameras
- some old cameras
- some more new than others
- some of them dont work
- when i showed her my digital photos
- she said that it was cheating
- that my photos were nice but that it was cheating
- me cheating?
- yes you cheating -she said
- she doesn't know what the hell shes talking about
- put your hands on a digital camera
- and youll never look back
- once you go digital
- you go digital
- unless you go back to film
- 101 is the title of a Depeche mode album
- back to cameras
- film and digital cameras
- and the girl that said that digital equals cheating
- i havent seen her in a while
- actually in a long time
- she wasnt actually my friend
- just someone i knew
- but i like to refer to people i meet as friends
- if i know their names and have talked to them i refer to them as friends
- even if theyr not my friends
- is just easy to say friends than to say something else
- but she wasn't my friend
- just someone i knew
- i didn't ask her if she likes lists
- lists like this
- a list where you list stuff
- i dont like lists
- only the grocery list
- and i only like the grocery list when it includes beer
- or condoms
- or both
- thats why i have so many of both
- more condoms than beers
- not because i get drunk before fucking
- but because there has been more drinking than fucking lately
- actually there has been drinking
- because there hasn't been much fucking
- im a bit fucked up
- i guess it's obvious by now
- not drunk-fucked up
- at least not yet
- but today is Saturday
- and i may get drunk
- but thats a whole different story
- the thing is that i dont like lists
- because i dont know what to list
- girls are very good at lists
- they list a lot of shit
- maybe thats why they shop so much
- or maybe i dont know what im talking about
- but i know quite a few things
- about girls
- and life in general
- not many i have to confess it my friends
- but i know some tricks
- i know for example
- that when i reach 150
- this list is going to stop
- right at 150
wow i haven't yet read all of you list, but I HAVE A MINOLTA SLR!!! it's older than i am. i have the telephoto if you need to borrow it sometime ;-) it takes awesome pictures.
I may end up borrowing it one day.
I'm also terrible at lists. Terrible at pictures, too, even with my digital cannon ELPH, so you're not cheating.
I'm good at drinking beer, though. Cheers!
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