Monday, August 15, 2005

To Can, and to Can't

I can get in bed and close my eyes.
I can put my head on the pillow.
I can roll myself in my clean and cool bed sheets.
I can play some slow music.
I can wear those very old t-shirts that I love so much as pajamas.
I can turn the lights off.
I can turn the AC down.
I can turn the heat up.
I can take a cold shower
I can drink some hot milk.
I can read The Economist.
I can count sheeps.
I can move from one side of my bed to the other looking for the cooler spots.
I can go out and run.
I can do a lot of push ups and pull ups.
I can hold my breath for few seconds.
I can speak a couple languages.
I can take pictures with a digital camera.
I can drive automatic or manual.
I can lay on my sofa.
I can see the moon from my livingroom.
I can brush my teeth.
I can point in a map the fifty states of the US.
I can could call her.
I can use any of the two laptops that I own.
I can watch TV.
I can blog.
I can love.
I can kiss and tell.
I can miss.
I can forgive and eventually forget.
I can zip my pants every morning.
I can tie my Doctor Marteens.
I can chew gum.
But why the hell is it that I can't fall sleep tonight?!


Blogger la flaquita kindly said...

then don't. say to your body, fine, if you don't want to sleep then we're not going to sleep! that's what i do. then i pick up something inane like a physics textbook, start reading, and drop off to sleep before i can turn the page!

Tue Aug 16, 12:44:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Jean-Francois kindly said...

I went through half The Economist last night before turning the lights off, but I just couldn't fall sleep! Right after I wrote this post though, I put my head on the pillow and the next thing I know, it's time to wake up (and to blog) again!

Como siempre flaquita, un placer recibir tus comentarios.

Tue Aug 16, 05:52:00 AM EDT  
Blogger la flaquita kindly said...


Tue Aug 16, 12:12:00 PM EDT  

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