Saturday, June 04, 2005


I should rollerblade more often, such a feeling of freedom and peace.

Kids playing around with their bikes, couples walking hand in hand, birds singing and hunting for insects, a group of teenage girls heading for their cars in order to go and hang out, few neighbors walking their dogs while others are walked by their big-O-dogs, a mom calling her two daughters 'cause dinner is ready, few people driving by and waving hello, and I rollerblading throughout it all.

No iPod nor discman, walkman, radio or anything like it; just the constant sound of the 85mm wheels rolling on the spotless pavement of my complex. In the distance the voices of those kids playing, calling each other and laughing with the background of the city nature. Wind flowing through my not so aerodynamic yet fit 5'7 cooling me down and whispering in my ear: why don't you do it more often man?


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