Friday, May 27, 2005


From 7 PM to well pass 10PM I took a nap. I got home at around 6 PM and after checking my e-mail and reading some news I lie down in bed. The blinking, which started fast and far apart as I recounted my 12-hour day at the office, got slower and closer as the minutes were being left behind in my night table clock.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath through my nostrils, expelling the air tiredly. That was the moment when I turned the key on the threshold to a nice and unplanned nap.

When I woke up, I got rid of my tie, suit, shoes, car keys, glasses, wallet and dived into my PJ's. Five minutes later I was deep inside my bed on a nice sail through seven more hours of sleep before heading back to the office again.

Speaking of the Devil. . . I better keep going if I want to make it on time to the first of a series of [unfortunate] meetings where a lot will be discuss and not much done.


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