Monday, April 25, 2005

On Tennis

I love tennis, what else can I say? I just plain-O-love it! that's perhaps the best sport on the face of the planet; maybe not the more physically demanding, nor the most difficult to master, and perhaps not even the most beautiful sport, if you can use that word to describe physical activity, but nonetheless the best sport on the face of my planet.

I kick ass!In the countries where I grew up, tennis is a very elitist sport. Down in South America there's no such thing as 'public tennis courts', you either have enough money to join the country club as my parents did, or you learn about tennis from a TV set. And in some of those clubs where I used to go with my friends, there was even a 'dress code' in order to be able to set your feet in the tennis court. You could wear like 'light' colors if you were just playing with your friends, but if there was some sort of tournament, you have to wear white from head to toe, no exceptions. I remember that the girls use to wear little white mini skirts, together with tight white t-shirts when they were playing. After a game the spectacle of seeing them all sweaty and stuff in their white outfits was awesome. Well, actually it wasn't that awesome now that I think about it, I grew up playing tennis and seeing them like that, so it was kind of 'normal' to me.

In China you could find ping-pong tables in parks, but not tennis courts. I remember I used to play at the French Embassy with my friends -until I got a beautiful girlfriend and my priorities changed of course. I played with her a couple of times, but when you're in your early twenties and the hormones are going through the roof you just have one thing in your mind, and no, it's not tennis. When I left China I gave my good-old racket to my girlfriend among other things. Ah, the things you do when you're in love! Back in South America when I faced the high prices of tennis rackets, I realized it wasn't a wise decision after all. At that time our love hadn't survived the realities of time and distance.

I play tennis with my landlord today, and we bet next month's rent.

No, the truth is that we didn't. I could've kicked his ass without major problems; now that his wife is pregnant he has also putted a lot of pounds himself and was slower than ever. I joked with him, asking if he was planning to look just like his (bitchy) wife while pointing to his big belly. He replied with a very polite "fuck you". But maybe I'm wrong, because when it comes to money that rat could kill and eat from the dead body, so its better not to talk about money on the tennis court.

I was feeling like crap today, not only with this allergies but also with a back ache that is killing me, and some other shit going on these days. I know that it wasn't any good for my back to play tennis, and also being expose to all that pollen and besides the lawn in my complex was mowed today so now I'm sneezing and blowing my nose again. But tennis makes feel better, it lifts my spirit and helps me forget stuff. While I'm hitting the ball I can really concentrate myself and direct all my energies on my drive, my backhand and on putting the balls right in the corner where my overweight landlord can't reach them. I always ask him after hitting a couple of great balls "Am I playing too hard for you?", he looks at me and gives me the finger. And to be fair he also has his moments when he hits a ball that I just can't get, and I also give him the finger.

And the best thing about playing tennis, is the hunger that I develop. Once I'm done playing I have to satisfy my usual appetite -which is enormous-, and my tennis appetite. This post isn't this long just because I had a lot of shit to say, but because I have to keep myself busy while my dinner is ready, otherwise I'll eat everything half-cooked.

But the beast is awake now and every word that I type looks, tastes and smells like food. Food. FOOD! FOOD!

Whether things are ready or not down in the kitchen, I don't give a shit. I am ready! Adios!


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