Friday, March 11, 2005

That Thing (2)

I was playing Medal of Honor, killing people to right and left, blowing up tanks, placing explosives on artillery pieces, trying to get rid of machine gun nests, killing my own fellow soldiers when felt like it and using rocket propeller grenades, when the phone rang.

I hesitated for few seconds whether to answer the phone or not, but I did. Good thing, it was my friend Alx.

She told me that she finally talked to that someone that she knows, about what we've been talking all these days, and there's white smoke. They're going to meet each other in the next few days, and then she'll get back to me.

I don't know what to think, and honestly I'm going to try not to think at all. The more I think about something, the more things turn out to be the other way. Disappointment starts pouring down as monsoon rain, prompting Jean-Francois to get into one of his downturns.

As I told her, let's wait and see.


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