Monday, March 14, 2005

[Steph] Code Word

I should write a blog about the phone call that I just got. It did kind of surprise me, but somehow I was expecting it. There's no room for explanations, analysis or motives; that's a phone call that has to be taken as it is: a damn phone call.

My Scenario Planning looks like this...But more than writing about the phone call itself, I should be writing about myself and the way I act. Not a blog to judge me; neither to trash nor praise me, but just to talk about the way I act and the accuracy of my assumptions and actions.

It should be a blog about this past Sunday and the one before; it should also include all the things that went through my head last week and how a little snow ball grew (almost) out of control. It should include my tendency to do "scenario thinking"; usually the "best" scenario and how it influences my twisted mind when reality bites back.

The blog, if I decided to write it, should not be about anyone else but me, as the motivation for such a blog emanates from my own thinking and mental world and is not influence by any hard evidence nor other people's actions. If written, I should include all those scenarios that I so carefully build -and build and build and build. I should write them down including every single detail that I put into them and pointing out how they spread in time, because another tendency that I have is to go WAY into the future. Then, beside that very same scenario, I should put together how things really develop in the real world, in black and white, excluding all those fancy colors, tones and shades that I like to use so much.

Then I'll draw various conclusions for the different stages of the whole process and how I could make it more accurate and reliable. A grand final conclusion will then be reached and a list of recommendations will land in my desk for me to proof read and sign in order to implement.

Once I've understood and I'm aware of how the shit hits the fan in my world, I can then take the whole document, roll it, and stick it up my ass to see if I finally learn how I operate and get fucking a lesson once and for all.


Blogger Jas kindly said...

Fascinating. Never have I read a blog about writing a blog so interesting.

Tue Mar 15, 03:37:00 AM EST  

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