Thursday, March 31, 2005

On Different Religions

And she said to me: father, show me what Heaven is all about...
This is a very odd picture: clerics, ministers, pastors, priests or however they call themselves together in a meeting. It's odd because they all are at odds, not at this meeting, but on their core believes and concepts of what the Truth is.

If there's different religions, represented here by different uniforms, is because they don't believe in the same principles about who/what God is, how human beings came to this planet, and what is the right and the wrong way to behave in order to achieve salvation. And of course, each one of these religions hold the key to salvation and eternal life. They believe they represent a world that exists in other dimension, that they are some kind of diplomats from a government (or reign) that brought man to earth and where human beings will go once they pass away.

But religion is perhaps the more excluding and discriminatory discipline on the face of hearth. You either have to be aware that you belong to a certain religious group in order to achieve salvation, or eternity or forgiveness, or paradise, or heaven or however you want to name it, or you're pretty much doomed. Just to be a good guy -like for example Jean-Francois is- is not good enough; you have to go and worship/pray/meet wherever they say is the right place to do it (their church/mosque/temple) and you also have to do it when they say it (Sunday morning/evening/night/Easter). Is all right to have doubts and questions, but you have to be strong and swallow them all and just keep reading the Bible/Koran/Torah and all your questions will be answered.

People outside your own religious group are basically wrong (not dead wrong, but wrong nevertheless). The way they worship, or their believes, or their rituals are not the right ones. Whether they achieve salvation outside the right church, hmmmmm, maybe yes or maybe no, that's a tricky question. But let's just say that if they are very lucky, you might run into them in Paradise, walking hand in hand with a virgin which breasts are filled with honey.

The easiest target in all this religious thing is without any doubt the Catholic church. They're like the Walmart of religion, everybody else loves to hate them. It's run by single men, with outdated rules and they even have their own country that use as headquarters. But the truth is that the other religions are not that far behind, having rules that forbid more things than those that are allowed, and all have in common the discrimination of the most beautiful creation on the face of heart: the female body!

I could keep writing for days about this topic my friends, but after living in South America, Europe, North America and Asia I believe that you just have to be a good person in order to be introduced one day to those beautiful virgins up in the clouds.


Blogger Lynn kindly said...

Your best article yet.

Fri Apr 01, 01:09:00 AM EST  
Blogger Jean-Francois kindly said...

Wow! Thanks for stopping by. And believe me... you haven't seen anything yet!

Fri Apr 01, 06:01:00 AM EST  

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