Friday, March 04, 2005


The bank closed the account that I had opened with my mom few months ago. Oh, shit! I had to come up with some documents, and as always I procrastinate for a couple of weeks and boom! I just got the check today on the mail.

I spoke to one of the guys in Wachovia and he said that we can re-opened without any problem next week, when I get the new documents that they demanded, but that doesn't really worry me. I just don't know what am I going to say to my mom.

For sure it won't be the true; I've learnt that with her, the truth is not appreciated, so I guess I'll have to come up with some crazy story in order to confuse her and in the meantime I'll open the account again. Or maybe I'll just won't answer the phone until next Wednesday or so when everything would be back to normal, I hope, and then I'll go like "Hey! Wass up?!".

In the other hand I have in front of me a check, to my name, for $11,028.74 that is really flirting with me. Should I make it mine all mine and just go crazy and then blame it on the acids?


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