Wednesday, February 16, 2005

A Matter of Time

Just a Matter of time to go Belly-upDon't you love when people use the phrase "a matter of time"? Like when faced with a problem they say "Oh well, that's just a matter of time".

But when the director of the CIA says it, that shit gets scary. And not scary on what he says, because he doesn't say anything, and that's what is scary. Is like if they were just warning us, like "is just a matter of time" for people to blow up an atomic bomb in the downtown of your city; just a matter of time to have rockets that can reach the US; is just a matter of time for car bombs to start exploding around us; is just a matter of time for you to find a job; is just a matter of time for Jean-Francois to get a girlfriend and get married and start having kids; and then is just a matter of time to have grandchildren and is just a matter of time to get old and retire and get sick and forget how to pee and who your family members are; yeah, is just a matter of time for all this shit to happen.

And now that I'm in the topic, let's just say that is just a matter of time to get the economy back on its feet; is just a matter of time for the economy to go belly up again; is just a matter of time for the stock market to go sky high and then just a matter of time to dive right into the concrete. Just a matter of time.

When people talk about "just a matter of time", it means that they don't know shit of what is really going to happen, or how or when. Is just a matter of time for a earthquake to hit somewhere and kill thousands of people, just a matter of time for an airplane somewhere in the world to malfunction and crash and kill scores of passengers, and maybe some cows on the ground, who knows? Is just a matter of time after all.

The thing is that is just a matter of time for people in America to realize the kind of idiot that we have running this country and how much damage he has done, and by the same token just a matter of time to open our eyes and see that if people have jobs and can feed their families and educate their children, they will start putting guns down and will start getting those jobs and living productives lives. Is just a matter of time for the people in the government to find out that is just not possible to bomb the hell out of all your "enemies" and then expect from the survivors to be thankful to you.

Yeah, is just a matter of time for Jean-Francois to shut the fuck up and stop typing this post. Just a matter of time. . . But I'm not the head of the CIA and lives don't depend on my decisions based on "is just a matter of time" type of bullshit.


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