Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Reading in 2005

Good for your HeartAhhhh the pleasure of reading: going places, meeting people, seeing stuff, feeling cold, hot, hungry, falling head over feet in love and wishing someone "why don't you just die!". All through white pages with black letters. Right there sitting on the coach of your own living room, or by the pool, on the subway, at the coffee shop.

This year I'm interested in reading both quantity and quality material. And I've come up with my own very clever and particular way of knowing how much and how many books I've read.

Every fiction book will get 0.5 points (fiction books are easier to read and you'll go faster through them). A nonfiction book will get 1.35 points (this are more complex, more information, therefore their weight is greater). The whole thing with the points is to move to the center my reading habits (e.g. two nonfiction books can be easily read in one month, while one fiction book perhaps in a bit more than a month -take or give). The thing is that beside reading, I still have to go and work, party, get drunk, get laid, pay bills on time, have breakfast, lunch, supper and dinner. . . In other words, I got shit to do my friends.

My goal for this year is to reach a total score of 18. Not 12, not 24. Just eighteen.

Ladies and Gentlemann. . . Start your Engines!


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