Wednesday, January 26, 2005

No More Stoopid

That's it, I'm not writing anymore about my co-workers and their stupidity. Enough of that topic.

Today one of them was having a very bad "hair day" and I had to be around her all day, a pretty bad idea. To my mine came hundreds of posts about her, about other things that happen there, and about other stuff that has been happening lately. Being as organized as I am, I wrote down the main ideas behind those soon-to-be-posts while they popped up in my mind, frothing at my mouth with the idea of posting them in these pages and trashing all the moments and the people that inspired them. My heart pumping plenty blood all over my body with the thought of getting rid of all that negative energy right here in this blog: "I'll trash, judge, curse, insult, send to hell and expose these people and those situations!" was my thought when I stepped on the gas of my car on the way out of the parking lot.

But then, that voice that I've been hearing all day in the back of my head got louder by the minute; louder as I started singing those hits from the 80's that play non-stop in some of the local stations; louder when I stopped to say hi to my mechanic and to chat with him about nothing for a while; louder as that burger that I had for lunch was getting digested in my insatiable stomach; louder, as the afternoon slowly started to give way to the evening and the daily commute.

Now it doesn't seem loud anymore, it is just a nice and sweet voice, whispering, very low in my ear while caressing the back of my neck. What was loud was the other voice that I heard throughout the day, and that shout right into my ears all that poison and that crap that I wrote down in a piece of paper; a piece of paper that is gone now, buried in deep in my trash can in pieces, never to see the light of the day again.

The whole idea behind having this blog is to try to get to know and understand myself better; to try to know what kind of person I am; to have a record of the situations that I went through and how I handle them; to draw conclusions and lessons out of my actions; to have a memoir that could eventually help me solve or perhaps inspire someone else -or myself- to reach and get higher. This blog is for me to become a better man, better friend and lover; better boyfriend and confidant, a better professional in my life and a more prepared person. It eventually will help me be a better husband and father, when the time comes, and overall a more just and fair being.

As I wrote in my first "Stoopid", I had refrained my self from writing that post, and it was a good decision. To actually write and publish a post on that topic, and then to publish a second one was a poor choice. Those are the type of posts that will poison someone's heart, leaving a biter taste in the mouth. Not worth. It is also a very slippery slope, where I would pretend that I'm on top and the more people around me try to reach me, the more they'll keep falling; like quicksand, the more you struggle to get out, the deeper you'll get.

Having say that I just have to add that you don't have anything to worry about: my Sarcasm is still intact, my pen is sharper than ever before, the ink will flow as bitter as it always had and in as many colors as there's blonde hair girls in this world - yuuuhuuu!


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