Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Ready... But Ready For What?!

I was suppose to be off today, but yestarday my boss asked me if I could work today because there was some big functions going on. Of course I said yes so that I could pick up some more hours.

This morning as I was taking my shower -after I shaved and ironed my short- the phone rang; when I went out of the bathroom it was what I feared. Those parties canceled and they don't need me. So here I'm: all shaved, clean, wearing only my underwear and blogging about it. What the fuck am I going to do today? In other words: I'm ready... but ready for what?!

I know what I'm gona do. I'm going to drive all the way to South Carolina and I'm going to buy the lottery. If you don't find more posts in this blog, is because I either got kill in the road or I became a fucking millionaire!


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