Monday, June 28, 2004

There's something in the air

I woke up today and even though we are few hours from July, I felt like if it was the middle of April. Fucking allergies are fucking killing me today! What the hell happen? Yesterday everything was fine. All was grapes and rivers of honey; the summer heat was hitting us hard and even though I don't have AC in my car, I prefer that to those damn allergies. I sneezed today maybe 500 times and my nose is red of all the times that I had to blew it. I checked the weather on CNN this morning and saw the allergy map but that shitty map has been sitting unchanged for the last 3 months or so. According to them NC is paradise, but I feel like shit.

Yesterday my neighbor from downstairs, an old lady, told me that she had some furniture that she was planning to give away: "are you interested?" The "furniture" was a nice though old and dirty chair full of hair from one of her cats -you know what, maybe was that damn hair, but I've felt bad all day even when I went to work. Even one of my colleagues that has like 10 nails in his leg from a time when he was a teenager and felt from a motorcycle told me that something was in the air because his leg was hurting him like hell. Furthermore, I meet a friend of mine at Starbucks around 4PM and she told that she had had headache all day long, that "there was something in the air". What the hell is going on? Please spring, go fucking away! I had to go to the supermarket and buy my medicine ($1 per pill, what a rip off).

On top of these allergies bothering me all day, I received a phone call from the catering where I work at sometimes. We had a party last weekend at the lake -a weeding- and I was left there with another guy with around 200 instructions of what to do whenever the party was over (take this, take that, pack this, toss that, wash this, dry that, etc.) being one of them that once we got back to the warehouse we had to lay down all the table cloths so that they could dry over the weekend... Well, I fucking forgot and left them inside a plastic bag. The owner of the catering told me (to make a fucking long telephone conversation veeeeeeeeeery short) that she took'em to the dry cleaner and they might not being able to clean them, therefore if that is not possible she will take the money from my gratuity and the other guy's to either clean them or replace'em (we got $50 each). This was after 15 minutes talking to me on the phone like if I was a 10-year old boy that how come we had forgotten, that it was going to cost'em money and so on. Com'on Dude, they make enough money on each party to cover these fricking mistakes. Is not that I crash the van or threw the silver trays in the lake or something like that. My only response to her was "do whatever you think you should do". And she went on and on again and finally kind of realize that I was giving her only monosyllabic answers (yes, no, aha) that she started asking me about the party and if the people were happy, and how this and that, etc. I'm not looking forward to see'em again any time soon.

Today has been kind of strange day, I woke up at 3am and I couldn't go back to sleep. I had to pi badly at that hour but when I came back to bed I laid there trying to fall sleep and it was just impossible. Then I decided to get up, read the news, read my book, check my e-mail, have a cup of coffee, had breakfast, at 6:45 I went to the gym, came back and had breakfast again and well, went to work like usual.

There's definitely something in the air today, allergies, cat's hair, grumpiness, don't know. I hope this cloud leaves by tomorrow to see if those fucking rivers of bullshit that I got today get replace by the usual honey and the sun shines again.


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