Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Swimming Pool (Movie)

I liked it; recommend it. A thriller; you don't quite know where the movie is taking you to. Could lead to several paths: an orgy of murders and running through the woods in the middle of the night like most of thrillers; or could be an orgy in the true sense of the word -drug, sex and rock'n roll; or could be a... just name it, dozen of possibilities. But the movie takes you there, slow but at the right speed. A writer looking for inspiration goes to her publisher's villa in France. A beautiful house, great vista, and a swimming pool -guess what, the title of the movie is swimming pool! But the night is pierced by a right of light called Julia, the publisher's daughter who's coming to stay for a while.
The relationship between Sarah and Julia starts to grow little by little, taking you there, just like good sex: no rush, exploring each other. Lot of signs in the movie, lot of clues to guide you through but, where are we going? Where are you taking me? No rush.
Once you get up from your seat, you can't but wonder about the whole movie. Once the credits come up and the lights are turned in you start thinking about the movie and start linking everything. Trying to make sense of it.
The movie itself is very well done: timing, picture, recreation, etc. Not to mention the actresses. Julia is an angel, no doubt about it. Is well worth watching and thinking about it.


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